African Conventional Science Affairs is a scientific organization
whose aim is to project the indigenous scientific endowment of the African
nation. Africans are not dummies. We are great people with very unique
abilities. Our over dependence on the "white man" has brought us many
pains, inflicted upon us by bad governance, unscrupulous leaders who are
concerned about their own belly; men who are drones and do not know that they
are, men whose faculties have been stultified by greed and wickedness.
Our aim is to sensitize the young African child, to let him
or her know that he/she carries something of great worth that is meant to
better our world and make our continent the envy of the world. We are committed
to raise future leaders who would be an indomitable team of New Africans that
will create a new African continent, such that will value our material and
cultural heritage, identify its great natural endowment, explore it and process
it to the betterment of our father land.
We plan to achieve this by first arousing the interest of
the African child in the sciences. Knowledge of science is inevitable if we
must go far as a continent. The Koreans, Japanese, Jews, etc have taken over
the control of the world economy through their scientific and technological prowess.
Secondly, we shall actively engage the African child
constructively through demonstrative scientific activities with the aim to make
their own inventions using our readily available and abundant natural
endowments. It’s high time we put value to our indigenous resources and stop
this mad quest for imported materials. We need to appreciate what God has given
us and thereby, treasure it by putting them to use for our individual good and
common growth.
Thirdly, we dream of a new nation, where all her children will
rather give than wait for what the nation can give to them. I mean a nation
whose children are creators, high class inventors and super entrepreneurs.
Skill acquisition is our major focus, because an idle hand is nothing but a
destructive “dog of vandalism.” When we talk of skill, particular attention is given
to developing innate abilities and craft development.
ACSA is meant for every African child. Every young African
child- student, youth, juveniles are entitled to join this crew of
revolutionary young Africans.
Presently our scope covers the Junior school, Senior
Secondary level and Under graduate students.
Dependents on our rich indigenous resources is a project
which must work. Selfish men and women that swamps our polity today should not
be ignored, they have so much damaged our educational system that our nation is
populated with educated illiterates, men who could not task their brain to turn
our valuable raw heritage to finished product of great fortune. Our educational
institutions have grossly failed, they have only succeeded in producing men who
fear to work and to work hard; men and women who do not see the tangible reason
for squarely facing up to their responsibilities, who ignorantly and lazily “put
their trust in God” with no hands put on the plough. A sorry state of our
nation: young boys wished to leave school and in six months drive the most expensive
car, yet no desire to work as hard to have such. A sorry state indeed.
Little did this young ones know that theirs is a pity
generation, such that except their parents and some very few passionate adults,
nobody (no government) really cared whether or not they amount to anything in
life. Forget their political lies and deceit, very few or no African leader
care a hoot about the young African plight.
Therefore, we wish to get your support on this mission to
rebuild our continent- Nigeria in particular. Posterity is counting on you to
make our nation envy of the world.
MOTTO: “Black is gold, I’m proud to be.”